Partner: WorkShare

More About Workshare

You work on hundreds of high stakes documents every week, so having a fast way to compare documents and generate accurate redlines is essential. It’s also a given that you don’t want sensitive metadata left in the documents you need to share with other people. Collaborate on documents, secure their content and become more efficient using Workshare – whether in the office or on the move.


Workshare Compare

When you compare two documents as part of a structured review, every change matters. Complete the process quickly and accurately, ensuring not the least little change is missed.

No matter how long or complex the content, you can navigate effortlessly between individual changes or focus on changes grouped by category – from simple punctuation to complex alteration of content that makes a material difference.

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Workshare Secure

We’ve evolved our understanding of metadata to create a Data Loss Monitoring solution specifically for the legal industry. A firm’s IT and risk functions can protect files shared across the business and use this data to understand if a data loss event or ethical wall breach may have occurred.

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Workshare Transact

With Workshare Transact, convert your deal checklist into an online workspace and get an innovative way to run a perfect deal closing. The Workshare solution closely mirrors how teams work today, so they will feel right at home with your new transaction management solution.

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